1st December 2020

Product Focus – Cel-Fi QUATRA 1000/2000 in-building enterprise cellular system

Spotty cellular coverage, poor voice quality, dropped calls, and dead zones continue to plague occupants in middleprise buildings. Cel-Fi QUATRA is an Active DAS Hybrid can solve this problem.
9th November 2020

Technology Focus – How to support your radio system remotely

Organisations in both the private and public sector are re-examining how they can plan forthcoming technical infrastructure upgrades to meet essential KPIs, SLAs or other operational measures. The Motorola Solutions MOTOTRBO Radio Management platform offers a way for organisations to simplify workflows, reduce downtime and create significant expenditure savings.
15th October 2020

Solution – Four AI surveillance & communication technologies that support complex business problems

Regardless of size, the public and private sectors are both looking for answers to complex workplace challenges, these include addressing new ways to support safety and restructuring operating models to meet the needs of their customers and employees as social distancing measures remain in place. AI decision-making technologies are being adopted for their short and long term adaptabilities.
7th October 2020

Blog – How can communication technologies and software applications address the ever-growing demand on a university’s widespread workforce, inter-campus workflow and, now, pressures created by the Covid-19 pandemic?

The return to campus has left a large majority of universities questioning how their existing technologies can support them in delivering instantaneous team communications or mass notifications should an emergency arise. Paul Jenkins discusses with UB Magazine.
8th September 2020

Podcast – Two way radio – A firefighters lifeline

Clear, concise communications are essential in the dynamic environment of a fireground incident. What technologies are firefighters utilising to support their intense amount of fast-paced communication and visibility challenges?
14th August 2020

Blog – On-premise vs cloud-based software solutions

When selecting a software solution to support a radio communications system one of the most crucial parts is evaluating the risks and benefits of whether the deployment will be on cloud, or on premise. Every business case is unique and priorities will be dependent on your IT policies & procedures, organisational workflows and what data is being stored - Radiocoms Cory Pennicott, explores.
22nd July 2020

Blog – Resilient communications for tall buildings with the Hytera E-pack 100

Lack of radio coverage inside buildings can severely hamper the ability of fire services to tackle fires, locate occupants or oversee emergency evacuation procedures. Poor communications can lead to increased loss of life and damage to property, see how the Hytera E Pack can help you tackle complex communication requirements.
8th June 2020

Five Misconceptions about Two-Way Radio

Over the last decade, the advancements made in digital radio communications technology has rapidly gained pace and so have the misconceptions surrounding it. Misconceptions can often hinder the decision making process for organisations, whether you are exploring the choices to acquire more devices, updating existing legacy infrastructure, or considering a different technology altogether.
28th May 2020

How can you enhance team communications during social distancing?

Two-way radio technology enables your teams to keep communications flowing once they return to work as lockdowns are lifted. By keeping your employees connected through voice communications and data services such as work ticketing, you can maintain and even improve the efficiency of your workforce.