Hytera DMR SmartOne

Manage your entire radio fleet with one intuitive application.

Hytera SmartOne is a comprehensive, unified communication platform. It combines a variety of professional functions, such as dispatching, voice recording, AVL and camera monitoring, using one intelligent interface.

Regardless of the radio technology you are using, it is possible to integrate and connect several mobile radio networks at the same time, ensuring you are always in control. Single or multi-client, SmartOne is the ideal choice to deliver unified communications and realise the potential of your radio network.

Hytera SmartOne image

Comprehensive dispatching solution.

Hytera SmartOne offers powerful dispatching functions, such as voice calls, GPS positioning services, messaging functions and voice recording. The software can also be expanded by a series of plugins, e.g., for displaying IP-connected CCTV cameras.

Furthermore, with Hytera DMR SmartOne it is possible to integrate browser-based web content, such as big data applications or web-based analysis.


Hytera SmartOne features and functions.

Individual call Group call Emergency call Priority call Broadcast call Network-wide call Call forwarding. Call waiting list Include call Zone interconnection Subscriber interconnection DGNA.

Positioning Services 
GPS positioning. Real-time route on the map Individual call on the map DGNA on the map. Geofencing alerting POI (Points Of Interest map marking).

Enhanced Functions
Hytera DMR SmartOne offers mbience listening of radios. Discrete monitoring of radios Talk into calls Local voice recording Local logging.

Security Functions
Activating / deactivating radios. Permanently deactivating radios E2EE.

Integration and Scope
Integration of dispatching, voice recording, SDS messages, GPS, CCTV cameras and gateway services in one central application Connection of TETRA, DMR (conventional and trunked radio) and Analogue (MPT1327) mobile radio systems as well as private automatic branch exchanges (PABX) and the public telephone network (PSTN) Interconnecting voice calls or message exchange between different radio technologies using a software gateway Support of control room work stations using a graphical expansion to several monitors Flexible integration of web applications using an integrated browser plugin, e.g. for big data applications Wired or wireless connection to the radio systems Complete multi-client capability through individualizable responsibility and functional areas for every SmartOne client.

Text message. Status message. Callback message. Emergency message. Message template. E-mail access.

Download Specifications PDF

Download the Hytera SmartOne manufacturer’s specification PDF.

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